The works of German thinker Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel represent the apex of German classical philosophy. It was Hegel who pounded out the dialectical methodology that shaped the doctrine of idealism into a fully formed and deeply thought-out philosophical system.  For many philosophical contemporaries, the name Hegel is synonymous with the word philosopher.  Friedrich Nietzsche once boldly stated that "Hegel is taste," and, speaking of Hegel, the thinker Vladimir Solovyov remarked: "of all the philosophers, only to Hegel did philosophy mean everything." The book includes the following of Hegel’s works:

The Phenomenology of Spirit

The Logic of Hegel

Hegel’s Philosophy of Mind

Elements of the Philosophy of Right

The Philosophy of Fine Art

The Philosophy of History

Lectures on the History of Philosophy

Lectures on the Proofs of the Existence of God

The Collected Works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel


The Books

The Phenomenology of Spirit

Translated by J. B. Baillie