
Juggling & Management

Secrets and Similarities

Author: Stephan Ehlers


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FQL Publishing, Munich

ISBN 978-3947104-12-3

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Further publications by Stephan Ehlers et al .:

Business-BalleBalla - Jonglieren im Business ISBN 978 3940965-080

Jonglieren lernen mit Erfolgsgarantie (auch engl.+ital. Ausgabe erhältl.)

Jonglieren lernen mit Jongloro (Lieferbar in 10 Sprachen)

Jonglieren lernen in Schulen - ISBN 978-3-940965-592

Erfolgreich Jonglieren lernen ab 50 - ISBN 978-3-940965-103

Jeden Tag etwas NEUES tun - 111 Ideen - ISBN 978-3-940965-529

Jonglieren und Englisch lernen mit Jongloro - ISBN 978-3-940965-127

Juggle and learn German with Jongloro - ISBN 978-3-940965-134

Jonglieren - Vitamine für das Gehirn - ISBN 978-3-940965-19-6

Demenz und Alzheimer vorbeugen mit Jonglieren -ISBN 978-3-940965-554

Table of contents

Why learn to juggle? What are the benefits?

What does juggling mean?

Juggling supports brain functions

Similarities between juggling and management

Rediscovery of the zest for performance

We constantly act againg the inner nature

Juggling with (in)security

Juggling and change

Juggling has a positive effect and it works unconsciously

Positive comprehension of “Change”

Using juggling as a chance for a change

Change = Chance + Juggling

Reliable indicators: people, individuality...

Problems of motivation

Deprivation of sensory experiences

Juggling and Complexity

Fail smartly: including failures in the plan

Juggling and the levels of success

Your brain can growth with juggling

Juggling is not to be understood, it is to be done

Juggling is acting, thinking, feeling all at the same time

From wellness to selfness

Juggling contributes to the acquisition of knowledge, learning and learning motivation

Which balls are the right ones?

Health aspects of juggling

Juggling is effective for the brain and the body

Juggling is easier than most believe


Interesting Internet addresses and links

The Online-Juggling-Tutorial

Why learn to juggle? What are the benefits?

Almost every person finds it fascinating to watch a juggler at work: the dexterity, the easiness, the masterful handling of juggling balls or other objects. Try to ask adults or older people “Would you like to learn to juggle?” They are normally evasive in their answers. “No, I cannot do it!” or “I have been always so clumsy with balls.” or “I have poor coordination skills.” After the question they immediately start looking for an excuse or a „reason”, in order not to be obliged to try it out. Interesting! The particularly interesting thing is that few have actually tried it, so the most cannot really know whether they would be able to learn it or not. It is like learning to ride a bike. If nobody shows to you, how to do it, you cannot ride a bike. It is so simple! If you ask the same question to children, evasive answer will be an exception rather. Why is that? Over the course of many years, even decades (school, education, job) adults had been programmed so intensively for the ”fear of failure”, that it is not enough to them just to say “No”. In fractions of a second, the thought of trying out something, that possibly does not work at the first go, makes the feeling of lack of self-confidence grow that big, that the brain switches imme-diately over to evasive maneuvers. In children, the curiosity is usually stronger than the “fear of failure”, this is why the spontaneous readiness to do something “new” is far greater here.

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. Marcus Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Through its repetitive movement, juggling counteracts stress and it sets new, natural ener-gies free. In a playful way but still effectively, it teaches you to involve in something you and to meet unusual challenges with confidence. It is a great feeling!

When learning to juggle you can find out, step by step, how to transform insecurity into security. Your self-confidence grows.

What does juggling mean?

The concept of “juggling“ is used in diverse variations. The meaning of the word “juggling“ (germ. juggling) is made up of the French word “jongler“ and the Germanic “jangler“. “Jongler“, of the Old-French origin ”jogler“ means “to make fun, to joke“. This can be traced back to the medieval ioculari “to make fun of sb., to pull sb.’s leg“, which, in turn, has its root in the Latin word ioculare “to joke“. The germanic “jangler“ means “to gossip, to slander“, according to the German Duden-dictionary.

The actual aim of throwing and catching the balls or other object is to take a distance from the real, day-to-day liveworld. It leads out of one´s own construction of thoughts and experiences so one is confronted with new tasks and, as a result of it, with new experiences.

Everything has a strong (positive) effect for the brain and, consequently, for the body.

Juggling is music for the eyes