Nicole Gilbert

Crochet Patterns for Babies

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
80331 Munich

Baby Jacket


MATERIALS - 4 skeins of white and 1 skein of color Woolco Germantown Zephyr. No. 4 Woolco hook.


YOKE-With color chain 77.


1ST ROW-Make 1 double crochet in 4th stitch of chain, *chain 1, skip 1 stitch, 1 double crochet in next stitch, * repeat to end of row, turn, chain 1.


2D ROW-1 single crochet in each of the first 18 stitches, 3 single crochet in 19th stitch. 1 in each of the next 38, 3 in next stitch, 1 stitch in each of the next 18 stitches.


3D ROW-1 single crochet in first 2 stitches, *1 double crochet in chain between double crochets of 1st row, skip 1, 1 single crochet in each of the next 3 single crochets*. Repeat between stars to end of row. Turn, chain 1.


4TH ROW-With white, *1 single crochet in each of first 18 stitches, make 3 in next, 1 in each of next 3 stitches, 3 in next, * 1 in each of next 38 stitches. Reverse between stars.


5TH ROW-Same as 3d row.


Repeat 4th and 5th rows in color, then in white, until there are 3 pink and 2 white stripes.


SKIRT-1ST ROW- With white make 1 double crochet and 1 chain in each stitch of yoke.


2D ROW-1 double crochet with 1 chain between in each of the first 18 stitches, chain 14, skip 18 stitches, join with a double crochet in next space, continue across back. Reverse for other armhole and front.


3D ROW-1 double crochet, chain 1 in each space and in every other stitch of chain for underarm.


Make 10 more rows of 1 double crochet, chain 1 in every space.


SLEEVES-Fasten yarn in 23d space from front make a double crochet with 1 chain between in each of the next 16 spaces. Fasten with single crochet to back. Chain 1, turn, make 3 more rows. Then work around taking a stitch in every space under the arm. Work 6 rows even. Make other sleeve in the same way.


Border for jacket and sleeves is made of 6 rows, same as yoke, alternately of color and white. Finish with a picot of 1 single crochet, 3 chain, 1 single crochet in every other stitch around jacket and sleeves.