Wilma Green

Crochet Shawls

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
81669 Munich

Peachtree Street Shawl


Materials Required: AMERICAN THREAD COMPANY "GEM" CROCHET COTTON, Article 35, size 20


"STAR" CROCHET COTTON, Article 20, size 20


6 balls White or color desired.

Steel crochet hook No. 5.


GAUGE: 3 knot sts = 2 inches.


Draw up a ½ inch loop on hook, thread over and pull through loop, s c over single loop of st, repeat from beginning 63 times (63 single knot sts), turn. 2nd Row. Skip 3 single knot sts, s c in s c between knot sts, **work a double knot st (double knot st: * draw up a ½ inch loop on hook, thread over and pull through loop, s c over single loop of st, repeat from * once), skip 1 s c between knot sts, s c in next s c between single knot sts, repeat from ** across row, work 3 single knot sts to turn each row. 3rd Row. S c in loop to right of s c of next double knot st, s c in loop to left of s c of same double knot st, * double knot st, s c in loop to right of s c of next double knot st, s c in loop to left of s c of same double knot st, repeat from * across row, work 3 single knot sts, turn and repeat last row until work measures 68 inches or length desired. EDGE: Work a row of double knot sts all around stole but drawing the loops up 1 inch instead of ½ inch. Dip in thin starch and block.

Fantasy Shawl



18 inches x 60 inches without fringe


Materials Required:





High Bulk Fingering Yarn

7 ounces White or color of your choice

Plastic crochet hook size G or H


Chain (ch) 256 (to measure about 61 inches), double crochet (dc) in 6th stitch (st) from hook, * ch 1, skip 1 st of ch, dc in next st of ch, repeat from * to end of ch (126 meshes), ch 2, turn. 2nd Row: Draw up a loop in 2nd st from hook, in 1st dc, in next ch 1 space and in next dc (5 loops on hook) , yarn over and draw through all loops at one time, ch 1, * draw up a loop through the ch 1 just made (the ch 1 is termed the eye of star st), draw up a loop in same st already worked in, in next ch 1 space and in next dc (5 loops on hook), yarn over and draw through all loops at one time, ch 1, repeat from * across row ending last star st by drawing a loop through 3rd st of end ch, ch 4, turn.


3rd Row: Dc in eye of next star st, * ch 1, dc in eye of next star st, repeat from * across row ending row with ch 1, dc in turning ch, ch 2, turn. Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows until work measures 18 inches ending with a mesh row, cut yarn.


Fringe: Wind yarn over a 3 inch cardboard, cut one end. Using 4 strands double in half and loop through each row on each short end.