Danny Wilson

Nirvana Talks

Dedicated to the dreamers and idealists. Keep the faith.....

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
81669 Munich

Somewhere North of Madness

I try to rationalize my day to day existence.

Doves cry;Birds fly off into the wild blue yonder.

Searching inside of a series of "compromised" thoughts....I ponder

The computer screen goes blank.

A listless soul "struggles" with normal life.

Honesty leading me to a different place within a lost world.

The show must go on.

Mary Poppins flows...

Saying goodbye?



Burger King Now

 A cup of joe along with a whopper "soothes" the savage beast.

America's workforce stops by for 15 minutes of bliss.

Functional food at a reasonable price?


Perhaps not.

I imagine nutrients "gathering" inside of my body.

The brain "visualizes" a healthy heart lungs.

Reality bites!

Healthy might be a sandwich at subway.

Have it your way?

A 24/7 multi-tasked society living during an "inflationary" period.

You do the math....


Running Towards Yesterday

 Finding my reality one day at a time.

Pieces of a dream leave me questioning the "truth" of societal dogma.

I "embrace" pain on my own terms...

The "crush" of societal expectations are overwhelming at times.

Just because...

Future shock may come to pass...

Missing my religion?