Janice Austin

Crochet Baby Sets

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
81669 Munich

Baby Sacque



MATERIALS - 2 skeins of white and 2 skeins of color Woolco Germantown Zephyr. No. 4 Woolco hook. 3 yards ribbon.


YOKE - With color chain 57. On this make 27 star stitches. Insert hook in 3d stitch from hook, pull through, take up a loop in 4th and 5th stitches, take up yarn, pull through 4 loops on hook, chain 1. *Pull yarn through the eye of star, through the loop back of last stitch, take up 2 new chain stitches, pull yarn through 5 loops on hook*. Repeat to end of chain.


2D ROW-Make 2 stars in each star.


3D, 4TH, 5TH ROWS-Without increasing.


This finishes yoke.


SLEEVE - With white, join in 7th star from front, make 3 loops for afghan stitch in each star for 13 stars, or 39 stitches.


Decrease 1 stitch each side of center stitch every other row until there are 25 stitches.


Finish with 2 rows of star stitch in color and 1 row of single crochet, with 2 single crochet in eye of star.


Make other sleeve in same way. Crochet edges of sleeves together.


Around neck make a row of double crochet with 1 chain between.


BODY - Join white and take up 3 loops in each star stitch.


Make 15 rows of plain afghan stitch. Make 2 rows of star stitch across the bottom. Join yarn at the neck, make 1 row of star stitch around to other side of neck. Join yarn at neck and make a row of star stitch around entire sacque, including collar.


Trim with ribbon as indicated.

Infant's Jacket Pattern





4 ozs. CYNTHIA Bay-Bee Yarn or CYNTHIA Shetland Floss Pink No. 358.

Bone crochet hook No. 4.

2 yards satin ribbon ¼ inch wide


Gauge: 5 HDC = 1 inch; 2 shells = 2½ inches


Beginning at neck, ch 71, 1 HDC (half double crochet) in 3rd ch from hook, 1 HDC in each ch, ch 2, turn.


2nd row: 1 HDC in each of first 12 sts (front), 3 HDC in next st, 1 HDC in each of next 7 sts (sleeve), 3 HDC in next st, 1 HDC in each of next 26 sts (back), 3 HDC in next st, 1 HDC in each of next 7 sts (sleeve), 3 HDC in next st, 1 HDC in each of next 13 sts (front), ch 2, turn.


3rd row: 1 HDC in each st across row and 3 HDC in center st of each increasing group, ch 2, turn. Repeat 3rd row 7 times. Ch 4 at end of last in­creasing row, turn. Start pattern.


11th row: * Skip 1 st, 6 DC in the next st, ch 1, skip 1 st, 1 DC in the next st, ch 1, repeat from * across row, omitting the sleeve sts and ending with 1 DC in last st, ch 4, turn.


12th row: 6 DC in center of 1st shell, ch 1, 1 DC in DC of row below, ch 1, * 6 DC in center of next shell, ch 1, 1 DC in next DC, ch 1, repeat from * across row, ch 4, turn.


Repeat 12th row until work measures 6 inches from underarm. Fasten off.


Sleeves: Attach yarn in DC at underarm, ch 4, work a shell in space next to increasing group, continue with pattern around armhole, working 7 patterns in all, join last ch 1 with slip st in 3rd ch of beginning ch 4.


Work pattern until sleeve measures 6 inches from underarm, always joining at end of each round and beginning each round with ch 4. Fasten off.


Edging: Starting at bottom of jacket on right front edge, work 1 SC in first st, skip space, * 6 DC in next st, skip next space, 1 SC in next st, repeat from * to neck, around neck edge and down left front edge. Fasten off. Run satin ribbon through spaces on lower edge of sleeves and around neck edge.

Baby Cape



MATERIALS - 4 skeins of white and 1 skein of color Woolco Shetland Floss. No. 4 Woolco hook, 2 yards No. 5 ribbon.


Chain 80.


1ST ROW-6 pineapple stitches, increase 1; 4 pineapple stitches, increase 1; 9 pineapple stitches, increase 1; 9 pineapple stitches, increase 1; 4 pineapple stitches, increase 1; 6 pineapple stitches.


2D, 3D, 4TH ROWS-Increase same as 1st row.


5TH ROW-Increase every 3d stitch.


6TH ROW-Plain without increasing.


Make 8 more rows like 6th row. This gives 15 rows for body.


BORDER-1ST ROW-With colored yarn, make a single crochet; *into next stitch make 3 chain stitches; in next stitch make a single crochet. Repeat from * to end of row.


2D ROW-With white yarn, make 1 row of cross stitches.


3D ROW-With colored yarn, same as 1st row.


4TH ROW-With white yarn, 1 row cross stitches.


5TH ROW-Start on top of cape, making a single crochet; *3 chain stitches; a single crochet in same stitch. Repeat from star all around cape except on neck.


6TH ROW-With white yarn, same as 5th row.


HOOD-1 row single crochet. 4 rows pineapple stitch, plain. On 5th row start to decrease by leaving off 1 stitch at each end. Make 10 rows pineapple stitches. Break off yarn. Then make 1 row single crochet, always leaving enough stitches to shape hood. Then 1 row plain stitches for ribbon.


Make 2 rows of border (1 colored, 1 white) same as last 2 rows around cape.