Subrat Mohanty

Voices of Silence

An anthology of my poems (Part-I)

I am grateful to the almighty god who has been the source of my strength while I pursued my writing. I am also grateful to my parents who imparted me values that have always guided me in my life. This book couldn't have taken shape with out the encouragement of my blog readers whose comments motivated me to bring this book out. This book is a collection of my poems that have been published in my blog.I extend my gratitude to all my readers, friends and well-wishers and I hope you will enjoy this book.

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Treading on the path, drowned in the air of isolation,

With lofty timbers touching the heaven, compelling one to meditation.

Upon nature, the beautiful creation of god.

And how it  stands so still in balance, looked after by the lord.

Wintry breeze welcoming us.

Majestic mountains gazing at us.

Pebbles lie where the river once used to flow,

Far from the city din, where the plants now grow

Beside it.On this earthly throne on which they sit.

Together they make up the portrait of the master.

Hearts fill with wonder,

For the creation and awe for the master.